Can I hide my personal information in the WHOIS record? - Whois Privacy

Can I hide my personal information in the WHOIS Record? - Whois Privacy
We must make domain contacts information public, per our registrar's agreement with ICANN (the international governing body of domain names).  Using false information violates the registration agreement and leads to the termination of your domain registration.
However, we do offer our private domain registration services to help protect your privacy. You can purchase our private domain registration services, and we will list the Web Domains by Proxy name, postal address, and phone number on the Whois directory.  Although Web Domains by Proxy is the name on the registration, you retain the full benefits of domain registration. You can:
  1. Cancel, sell, or transfer your domain registration.
  2. Revert the registrant listing for your domain registration back to you.
  3. Renew your domain registration when it expires.
  4. Designate the name servers for your domain.
  5. Resolve claims arising out of a dispute involving your domain registration